Nnun security council resolution 1973 libya pdf

The security council, recalling resolution 2240 2015, resolution 2312 2016 and presidential statement 201525, reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of libya, welcoming the secretarygenerals report s2017761, recalling that international law, as reflected in the. How far does the resolution permit the coalition now acting in. The security councils resolution authorising the use of all necessary measures to protect libyan civilians and civilian populated areas number 1973, march 17 confirms the intention of. United nations security council resolution 1973 2011. Adoption of united nations security council resolution. Libya and the united nations security council resolution. United nations resolutions are formal expressions of the opinion or will of united nations organs. Security council resolution 1973 on libya case western reserve. United nations sres1540 2004 security council distr general 28 april 2004 0432843 e 0432843 resolution 1540 2004 adopted by the security council at its 4956th meeting, on 28 april 2004 the security council, affirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as. In resolution 1973 the security council recalls its earlier resolution 1970, which together with resolution 1973 have a combined and cumulative effect. The resolution imposes a nofly zone over the african state and authorizes possible military action except for ground forces.

Demands that the libyan authorities comply with their obligations under international law. On 17 march 2011, the security council adopted a new resolution scr 1973, this time with a 100 vote and five abstentions by brazil, china, germany, india and the russian federation. Resolution 1970 establishes, among other provisions. By resolution 1970 2011 and resolution 1973 2011, the security council decided. In followup to resolution 1970, the security council met on 17 march to confront the increasing threat to populations and voted on resolution 1973, calling for a nofly zone as well as a ceasefire.

Understanding the russian response to the intervention in. Resolution 1973 2011 adopted by the security council at its 6498th meeting, on 17 march 2011 the security council, recalling its resolution 1970 2011 of 26 february 2011, deploring the failure of the libyan authorities to comply with resolution 1970 2011, expressing grave concern at the deteriorating situation, the escalation of. United nations security council resolution 1973, on the situation in libya, is a measure that was adopted on 17 march 2011. Resolution 335 1973 of 22 june 1973 the security council, having considered separately the application of the german democratic republic s10945 and the application of the federal republic. The law of politics produced by the berkeley electronic press, 2012. Security council resolutions and statements unsmil. Prasident dmitri medwedew musse nun im sicherheitsrat darauf hinwirken. Recalling its resolution 1970 2011 of 26 february 2011. The adoption came after the qadhafiregime had violently responded to what. The implementation of the united nations security council. They generally consist of two clearly defined sections. The security council has adopted resolution 1973 as a measure to maintain or restore international peace and security under chapter vii of the united nations charter. Australias involvement in the libyan crisis and security.

The entities are the central bank of libya and the libyan foreign bank. There has been strong debate about the intention behindand thelawfulness and legitimacy of the execution of the resolution by the intervening powers, in particular nato. Adopted by the security council at its 6498th meeting, on 17 march 2011. The security council, recalling its resolution 1970 2011 of 26 february 2011, deploring the failure of the libyan authorities to comply with resolution 1970. The truth is that the new resolution erodes the international law to the point of virtually killing it. United nations sres1970 2011 security council distr general 26 february 2011 1124558 e 1124558 resolution 1970 2011 adopted by the security council at its 6491st meeting, on 26 february 2011 the security council, expressing grave concern at the situation in the libyan arab jamahiriya and. United nations s res2174 2014 security council distr general 27 august 2014 resolution 1459959 e 1459959 2174 2014 adopted by the security council at its 7251st meeting, on 27 august 2014 the security council, recalling all its resolutions on libya since resolution 1970 2011, as well as. While the scope and limits of the authorization to use armed force in. United nations security council resolution 1973 wikipedia. The security council today renewed until 31 july 2017 the measures imposed by its resolution 2146 2014 on the prevention of illicit crude oil exports from libya. I spent much of yesterday conducting interviews with the media about the situation in libya.

The security council, recalling its resolution 1970 2011 and all its subsequent resolutions on libya, reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of libya, taking note of the report of the secretarygeneral on the united nations support mission in libya unsmil s2017726. This list may not reflect recent changes learn more. On the 17th of march 2011, the security council of the united nations adopted resolution 1973, authorising an intervention in libya. This is primarily because of the scale, pace and brutality of the events unfolding there. Security council distr general 26 february 2011 1124558 e 1124558 resolution 1970 2011 adopted by the security council at its 6491st meeting, on 26 february 2011 the security council, expressing grave concern at the situation in the libyan arab jamahiriya and condemning the violence and use of force against civilians. Deploring the failure of the libyan authorities to comply with. The resolution specifically authorises notifying member states to use all necessary measures to enforce a nofly zone and to protect civilians and civilian populated areas. Interpretation of security council resolution 1973 on libya. Why libya and not ivory coast, or other cases of imminent violence against civilians. This renewed the mandate of the panel of experts assisting the 1970 libya sanctions committee until 15 may 2021 as well as the measures related to the illicit export from libya of petroleum until 30 april 2021. Image caption security council members vote on libya 10 states supported, five abstained. The resolution was adopted by a vote of 10 to zero, with 5 abstentions. The security council of the united nations organization adopted, on 17 march 2011, resolution 1973, which authorizes the use of force in libya based on chapter vii of the united nations charter.

Security council renews measures against illicit oil. The united nations security council on friday adopted a resolution on libya. Sanctions list materials united nations security council. Pages in category united nations security council resolutions concerning libya the following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total. Security council met to debate a resolution authorizing the use of force to protect libyan citizens being attacked by government forces for their participation in antigovernment struggles. Ochadavid ohana on 17 march the security council adopted resolution 1973 2011 which authorizes the use of force in libya to protect civilians from attack. United nations sres2017 2011 security council distr general 31 october 2011 1157333 e 1157333 resolution 2017 2011 adopted by the security council at its 6644th meeting, on 31 october 2011 the security council, recalling its previous resolutions 73 2001, 1526 2004, 1540 2004. The comprehensive resolution also included provisions for a more robust arms embargo and called for travel bans and asset freezes on additional libyan individuals, companies, banks and other entities. Enthaltung im unsicherheitsrat zur resolution 1973 falsch gewesen sei. Security council resolution 1973 2011 eufor in libya. Imposes additional measures in connection with the situation in the libyan arab jamahiriya. Fidh welcomes this resolution which finally offers protection to civilians in libya, who are the targets of crimes which can be considered crimes against humanity.

Security council dist general 17 march 2011 resolution 1973 2011. After last weeks security council resolution 1973 though, the libyan crisis has become more relevant to us for another reason. Security council resolution 1973 constitutes the legal basis for the armed operation by nato and its allies in libya. This paper examines libyas most recent and ongoing.

United nations cnn jubilant libyan rebels in benghazi erupted with fireworks. Navigating the grey area between legitimacy and legality the crisis in libya is getting intense media coverage in australia. Yet russia abstained from the united nations security council vote on resolution 1973 authorizing intervention for humanitarian purposes in libya. The security council, recalling its resolution 1970 2011 of 26 february 2011, deploring the failure of the libyan authorities to comply with resolution 1970 2011, expressing grave concern at the deteriorating situation, the escalation of violence, and the heavy civilian. It also freezes assets of libyan oil companies and the countrys central bank. Resolution 688 1991 of 5 april 1991 the security council, mindful of its duties and its responsibilities under the charter of the united nations for the maintenance of international peace and security, recalling the provisions of article 2, paragraph 7, of the charter. In accordance with resolution 1973 2011, the panel of. United nations s security council distr general 23. General 23 december 2015 resolution 2259 2015 1522841 e 1522841 adopted by the security council at its 7598th meeting, on 23 december 2015 the security council, recalling its resolution 1970 2011 and all its subsequent resolutions on libya, reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence. This endorsed the conclusions of the berlin conference on libya.